It was time to grow up... and I did it 3 days ago...

Tuesday 3 April 2007

My relaxed readers,

Just because I wanted to, this post will be in English. If you don't like it, sue me :P LOL

I am right now in Hermosillo and I'm feeling so great. At first, I thought this trip will be just for fun and to visit my parents here, but the truth is that was beyond that objective. And I really won't forget it.

I went to Obregón City last weekend to visit one of my friends and he did really opened my eyes about my childish behavior. The story is too long and too stupid to tell about it here, but the abstract is like this: I was really mad because some issues my friend told me about myself. I was really mad at the beginning, at a level I started to behave in a defensive way. At last, everything was fine, but reflexive.

3 days ago I began to apply a new philosophy which I would like to share with you my readers: Why get so mad of small things without a true relevant issue in my life? So I am getting relaxed about all that stuff not taking them into a serious consideration and taking off all that mental webs and leaving them in a trash can. Of course, responsibilities are always responsibilities and I'm not holding them in stand by. So all that crap I was holding in my mind finally went to a trash can and I really began to live my life as I always wanted. I also accept myself as a human being and I do like it.

So please my relaxed and reflective readers, the lesson is don't get mad for bullshit. Keep your angriness when you really need it. I'm feeling like having a second chance and I won't trash it to the garbage again.

Also, in these kinds of situations, I noticed what a really good friend is. And I'm thankful with him because that tip won't only be good for me in a social way or either a personal way, but my labour life and sentimental issues will be affected in a positive way. I won't be a shy person anymore.

So please, live your life and find who is really your friend(s) and relax about life. You can say life's a bitch, and that's true, but why fighting against a bitch when you have much more to loose fighting and fighting?

For me, it is time to grow up and I'm doing it just great.

Thanks Christian. I really appreciate it.

Relaxed and happy for Lalo's DB,



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